Monday, February 7, 2011

Fine Arts Work Center - The History of Food

In mid-August, Tiny Circus traveled to Provincetown, Massachusetts for a workshop/class at the Fine Arts Work Center - with adults! Yay! We met for half days in a great studio in an old lumber yard. After some initial discussion about whether to focus on individual or group projects, we elected to create a history together - The History of Food. Find it on youtube.

The final scene of our film - eating is about to happen.

Careful animating and photographing. Later, the beach.

A toilet-paper roll with peanut eyes and clothespin feet is a main character in the film

Designing the glove-person-food thingy.

Gemma designs and articulates how this thing should walk. A great week!

1 comment:

Gemma said...

when you search "fine arts work center history" in google, this is the fourth hit. excelllllent.