Monday, June 8, 2009

People, things, and critters

Tiny Circus started this week off fresh with a number of new things. Greta and Elizabeth began work today at the Global Arts Jam, making marbled paper with a group of local K-6 graders. We have a new face, Liz, who will be with us until Thursday. And sprucing up the studio is a new earplug holder lovingly constructed by Grace, pictured below. It has a pocket for each of us; appropriate as we are currently shooting the History of Pockets. We plan to wrap up the shooting tomorrow.

This week, we give credit to the things and critters that may not necessarily get the attention they merit. Here we salute the faithful orange jumpsuit that somehow manages to protect both 5'1" tall women and 6'2'' men from filth and power tools:

James the cat oversees the painting/rustproofing of the airstream's frame from a distance. Today, the Circus finished coating the frame and went on to attach the floor.

She's not a thing or a critter, but here is a picture of our lovely guest Liz, helping to paint the airstream:

Pogo the dog may be our unofficial mascot. Below, she presides over the morning meeting from the matriarch's position at the head of the table. In two meetings today, the Circus worked to form a more cohesive artistic vision of our show, and to discuss the collaborative nature of our work.

And now a treat for the eyes: a photo of last night's beautiful Iowan sunset.